About Subtitle
Title: Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations
ISSN online: 2285-2107
ISSN print: 1841-2300
Imprint: The Publishing House of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations ”Ion I. C. Brătianu” of the Romanian Academy
Frequency: Biannual
First volume: 1/2004
Current volume: 1/2023
Language: English
Indexed in: EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, Ulrich's, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, CiteFactor, InfoBase Index (IBI Factor 3.76), AE Global Index
Scope and Aims
Romanian Review of Political Sciences and International Relations (RRPSIR) is a constant presence in the Romanian scientific landscape, including scientific contributions from all over the world.
The journal appears twice a year providing a rich mix of comparative, international and transnational issues in political science and international relations, addressed to all who are interested in new approaches of the contemporary political phenomena, within the context of increasing international scientific interdependence and global change.
The review has several permanent chapters: international relations, political philosophy, political science, in focus, scientific life, book reviews, the review of reviews, the authors and occasionally, points of view.
RRPSIR is a focal point for research dialogue and scientific exchange in terms of political, cultural and geographical community, methodological orientation and theoretical approach, concerning the domestic, comparative, transnational and international political aspects.
RRPSIR presents studies concerning important national and international issues, either theoretical or practical, demonstrating highest standards of excellence in documentation, conceptualization and methodology, thus illuminating significant research problems, or answering important research questions of general interest in political science, political philosophy, and international relations areas.
RRPSIR: appears biannually and it contains studies and articles of political philosophy, political science and international relations; promotes both the capitalization of Romanian and international contributions of reference and novelty in the field; is not a follower of any school of thought or ideology, it promotes free debates on the theories, ideologies, and modern and contemporary political practices; contains the following headers: political philosophy, in focus, international relations, books in debate, scientific life, book reviews, the review of reviews and the authors; this scientific journal does not publish personal pamphlets and polemics or intolerant critics; publishes studies and articles selected by the redaction (editorial board and team), the editorial college, board and team is not liable for the exacted of the information and data included in the articles and studies. The thematic issues are announced in advance. The unpublished manuscripts are not returned.
RRPSIR is an open, peer-reviewed, access journal.
Editor: CĂTĂLIN AVRAMESCU, Director, The Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations "Ion I. C. Brătianu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Advisory Board: ALEXANDRU SURDU (Romanian Academy, Romania); DAN BERINDEI (Romanian Academy, Romania); MIRCEA MALIȚA (Romanian Academy, Romania); WILLIAM J. CONNELL (Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA); ALBERTO GASPARINI (University of Trieste, Italy); GUSTAVO GOZZI (University of Bologna, Italy); GHEORGHE IACOB ("Al. I. Cuza” University, Jassy, Romania); ANDRAS INOTAI (The World Economy Institute, Budapest, Hungary); AREND LIJPHART (University California, San Diego, USA); SALVO MASTELLONE (University of Florence, Italy); PAUL MEERTZ (Netherland's Institute of International Relations, Netherland); STELIAN NEAGOE (The Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations "Ion I. C. Brătianu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania); MICHELE PROSPERO ("La Sapienza” University, Roma, Italy); VASILE PUȘCAȘ ("Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania); MANUEL ALCANTARA SAEZ (University of Salamanca, Spain); GIOVANNI SARTORI (University Columbia, USA); KLAUS SEGBERS (Free University of Berlin, Germany); PHILIPPE SCHMITTER (European Universitary Institute Fiesole Florence, Italy); MARIO TELÓ (President of the Institute of European Studies, Free University Brussels, Belgium); ANDRE TOSEL (University of Nisa, France); YVES CHARLES ZARKA (University of Sorbona, France)
Editorial Team: VIORELLA MANOLACHE (The Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations "Ion I. C. Brătianu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania), HENRIETA ANIȘOARA ȘERBAN (The Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations "Ion I. C. Brătianu”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania)
Editorial Assistant: IAN BROWNE (University of Cambridge and St. Andrews University, Scotland)
Computerized technical editing: LILIANA DINCĂ, DANIELA PAUL
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